En iyi Tarafı C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor

[Edit] - Needless to say - it's derece "either this or that". often it would make good sense to use both a list and an IEnumerable in the same class. No computer in the world could list all prime numbers, because by definition this would require an infinite amount of memory. But you could easily think of a class PrimeContainer which contains an IEnumerable primes, which for obvious reasons also contains a SortedList _primes.

Anything in .Kupkuru that you gönül iterate over implements IEnumerable. If you're building your own class, and it doesn't already inherit from a class that implements IEnumerable, you kişi make your class usable in foreach statements by implementing IEnumerable (and by creating an enumerator class that its new GetEnumerator method will return).

I understand why IQueryable is better choice for "out-of-memory" veri but I am struggling to understand why IEnumerable is better for "in-memory" data? I still think it's better to get filtered data than to get get veri and apply filter.

Bir yetişek içre çeşitli veri koleksiyonları kullanıldığında, bu koleksiyonlardaki verilere erişmek ve iş akdetmek gereklidir. IEnumerator, bu noktada devreye girerek koleksiyonların elemanlarını bir numara vahit dolaşmamızı ve prosedür yapmamızı sağlamlar.

System.Collections.IEnumerator. This interface provides the infrastructure to allow the caller C# IEnumerable Kullanımı to traverse the internal objects contained by the IEnumerable-compatible container:

They usually have a GetXXX method that returns a IEnumerable of whatever type the custom collection class uses so the internal collection gönül be iterated around using a foreach loop.

So the difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable is about where the filter logic is executed. One executes on the client side and the C# IEnumerable Nedir other executes on the database.

Short story about a destan living on a fake tropical island / paradise planet, who was actually an adult CEO but didn't remember it

IEnumerable describes behavior, while List is an implementation C# IEnumerable Nedir of that behavior. When you use IEnumerable, C# IEnumerable Nedir you give the compiler a chance to defer work until later, possibly optimizing along the way. If you use C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri ToList() you force the compiler to reify the results right away.

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Then with a IQueryable the generated SQL will contains “where name = “a”, but with a IEnumerable many more roles will be pulled back from the database, then the x.name = “a” check will be done by .Kemiksiz.

The reason, of course, is that someone dirilik call the first method passing in an array object, a List object, a String object, and so on — any object whose type implements IEnumerable.

My question is that should these classes instead implement the IEnumerable interface, and call GetEnumerator on the List itself.

IEnumerable interface’i ile bir sınıf itere edilebilir hale getiriliyor, bu muamelat ortamında GetEnumerator metodu sınıfa implement ediliyordu. IEnumerator interface’i ise iterasyon özelliği kazanmıştırracak ve iterasyon konuleminde kullanılacak elemanları ve özellikleri barındırmaktadır.

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